ExpertMed Solutions, a private medical clinic in Laval, is your partner of choice for your global health needs.
New Service
Private family physician, now accepting new patients.*
Annual packages for families and businesses are available.
For minor or occasional emergencies, make an appointment online or contact us:
450-902-0941 |
* Fees apply.

Our divisions
ExpertMed Solutions
ExpertMed Solutions is an industrial health clinic with a wide range of health professionals (doctors, medical specialists, nurses, hearing aid specialists, kinesiologists, physiotherapists, etc.). ExpertMed offers medical services to employers according to their needs, activities, and risk levels.
Expert Pro-SST
Expert Pro-SST is the occupational health and safety consulting division which specializes in prevention mutual management and workplace attendance. Expert Pro-SST has a team of disability case managers, actuaries, legal advisers, and lawyers.
Groupe ExpertMed
Groupe ExpertMed offers laboratories, hospitals, medical clinics and various private companies, disposable medical supplies adapted to their needs.